As I’m writing up communications for a homestead design in Talkeetna, Alaska, I remembered that my work is essentially “The plan.” If the client doesn’t realize the importance of this plan, then they won’t necessarily end up where they want to be, either on time, or within budget. This failure would reflect poorly on the designers part – mine, but be a tangible loss, compounding with each second for the client. In a way, this loss shouldn’t be viewed as death.
I’ve learned hard way, the plan is 80% of successful execution. As a planner, I can’t always be available to prod, but I shouldn’t be complacent of the client’s mindset.
The plan is comprised of a tangible goal sparked by intense vision. It’s with this mindset that you should be writing your plan. If there are any gray areas, then they probably won’t get done. Here are my initial instructions:
Understand the homestead plan for effective execution:
Live simply, gather & conserve resources for design, build, skillset, personal.
Focus on intersections of human and natural capital to achieve greatest impact.
Secure short term food, shelter, water, but don’t create unnecessary work.
Consider security, contingency and emergency plans according to observed weaknesses.
At a glance, the economics seem simple: Why raise chickens when it could cost $5 or more per dozen (or more) to build the accommodations and keep them fed while commercial eggs are $2/dz. and a quick trip to the store?
Well, it depends on your perspective, where you live, and what you value.
Just don’t stop at the value of the egg when you’re doing the math to figure out whether or not it’s worthwhile.
Depending on how you go about it, you can spend quite a bit of time and energy building a coop, fence and worrying about keeping predators out. Then there’s collecting the eggs, feeding and watering, etc.
Some chicken owners do less, and the birds simply become part of the landscape, while others invite em’ to sleep in their bed at night. That’s not recommended, but it happens.
If you have no time for such things, then for you not only is having chickens or other animals an inconvenience, it could mean rearranging your life, questioning your way of doing things in order to discover the underlying benefits. In an age of dissatisfaction with status quo, is that such a bad thing?
These benefits, once you get past the drawbacks, can be both deep and profound, whether as an urban homesteader, farmer, or hunter/gatherer.
There is yet an underlying process of awakening to the thing we call “homesteading” that must be endured in order to fully appreciate how and why it is important for you, your community, and the world.
If you start to farm, homestead or raise animals, you’re in for a multi-faceted experience, perhaps a little self-questioning, unless you approach it with a particular mind-set. Expect to set your life up around things you are cultivating, raising, developing, and expect their fruition to unfold at a pace out of your control, yet fully predictable. The rest is up to you.
Benefits of raising chickens (some which most people don’t think about):
The egg
The meat
The fertilizer/manure
The chicken byproducts (feather, bone, offal)
The reduction of scraps in the garbage/landfills
The aeration of soils & compost
The increased capacity of composting
The pest control
The peace of mind of having even if stores run out of eggs/meat
The leverage to sell/trade to neighbors for goods/cash
The strength/knowledge from building the coop and/or fencing
The sense of observation built by caring for the living
The responsibility that comes with commitment
The connection to reality – controlling life and death cycle
The entertainment, laughs and conversation starters
The endless supply of photos you could post online
Here’s Joel Salatin with some particulars on farming and birds.
The first draft concept of the project transforms the west side of the walkway into a small oasis of subtropical varieties. A curved low-lying wall of smooth, flat boulders encases a drainage bed dressed with a variety of sizes of decorative river stones, succulents. An over-sized aqua blue planter punctuates the garden. A small bird bath hidden among the shade offers feathered friends a convenient place to quench thirst on a hot day.
A home owner near Sarasota, Florida is planning a make-over of her home. She values the natural, wants to avoid chemicals and enjoy healthy living.
She is used to living in a more contemporary house, and is looking to increase the overall appeal of her home, inside and out.
While this project has not been approved, it offers an inside look at some of the basic factors affecting a natural approach to yards, gardens and farms in Florida.
Each project offers benefits and challenges. The following narrative is our initial summary, but is not extensive or final. Except for the sketches and photographs of the client’s home, any images provided are for demonstration and examples of similar work, not necessarily our own. We give credit and provide links to sources.
Other factors that will ultimately dictate (or affect) decisions on final design and plant selection include owner goals/preferences for the property, desired yield/crop, latitude, longitude, hardiness zones, micro climates, prevailing winds, soil pH, annual rainfall, distribution of precipitation, HOA restrictions, zoning and ordinances and so forth.
Note that while natural farming and gardening methods are rooted in science, many interpretations and preferences on projects/solutions differ. The information we provided here is useful for example purposes but we reserve right of ownership and commercial use. The contained information is not guaranteed, nor are the proposed solutions and technology appropriate in all situations. We are not liable for your use or application of the concepts.
Cultivate an attractive assortment of low-maintenance plant species, with special attention to water retention/diversion, the soil’s ecology and soil life as it pertains to nutrient production.
After looking at the site, soil and hearing the history of plants on site, it is evident that there are enough natural resources for an appealing design – sun, water, space, oxygen, nutrients. There are a few key issues are limiting the ability of plants to grow and thrive. This could include a particular plant’s preference, needs, but most importantly, the soil looks mostly sandy, devoid of life, extremely dry and prone to overheating and draining. These issues and solutions will be discussed below.
Existing landscape:
In the front yard (south facing) there is a 3-5% grade sloping away from home with approximately 15’ from porch to curb and 30′ between driveway and corner of lot. Soil settlement test shows a soil composition of roughly 66% sand, 34% organic material from store-bought mulch, virtually no silt or clay, and very little microbial activity. After a week in a jar, there is no smell or aroma to the water/soil mixture whatsoever. The area receives a direct, full sun without obstruction.
The owner says, some hardy varieties are able to grow, as seen in the photographs. Our goal is to address the water retention and help the soil sustain microbial life. We can then look at the microclimate zones, and list out a variety of plants, based on guild, function, size, shape and color.
Our client is concerned about chemicals. In preparing the contours correctly, we hope to allow soils to regenerate over the years with minor amendments and care on a regular basis. Though we can’t prevent the wind from bringing stray contaminants, or mother nature from bringing storm events, we work to increase biodiversity, improve plant health, reduce the impact of pests. These will reduce the need for direct application of artificial fertilizer, herbicides or insecticides through good plant selection, care and integrated pest management.
Our proposed ecological solution for this (and any site) requires a heightened level of observation, study and patience to create the greatest impact with the minimum amount of effort over the long term.
Since form follows function in designs that work with, rather than against the natural, the end aesthetic result can be estimated but is not exact. Investing extra time to understand the issues and intelligently apply concepts, chose plant species so it fulfills multiple functions, not just color or size, will ensure the ecosystem we create can fight off disease and stay healthy – a healthy plant is a beautiful plant.
Quick side view sketch of holding area and runoff to drainage area.
Direct Issues to be resolved:
Rainfall diversion and retention
Soil composition and characteristics
Excess heat/sun
Permitting/specification restrictions and standards
Photo credits
(1) Rainfall, storm events, water diversion & retention:
The area is small enough that it will only require a simple network of hand-dug microswales around two settlement areas to achieve the desired effect. As these overflow, runoff spills over to a drainage swale dressed aesthetically as a dry brook surrounded by grasses and plants that will help prevent erosion and create a look that is natural and contemporary.
Using small and large stones mimics a dry river bed and adds stability. The two “ponds,” will be approximately 18-24” deep by 60-90” wide, or as large as the area will permit. The excess (overflow) from these two ponds is diverted into the drainage area, which drains into a 50′ stone path that doubles as a dry creek bed (or french drain) which is routed to an existing storm-water collection area in the backyard.
The fringe of this path should be lined with stones of a size that prevents them from being washed away in heavy rainfall, while also protecting the soil/sand in planted areas outside the swale. The image below is a good representation, but if used as a walking path, should be topped with flat stones. If budget permits, geotextile cloth and clay could be effective in these areas as a barrier between the drainage rock and existing sand.
Note that except in extreme cases there should be no water running above ground. The path will retain its function even when water is present below the surface. The existing sand would be replaced down to the level of drainage from the front yard, filled with drainage rock and topped with larger pavers, natural or architectural, suitable for walking.
Regarding the stormwater collection area in the back. Future improvements could turn it into a functional rain garden. Raingardens are designed to increase appeal, prevent erosion and ease burden on the municipal system.
(2) Soil composition and characteristics:
Typical soils in Florida are 90% or more sand. Builders’ fill is even worse as a growing medium because it has little support and nutrients. If you limit plant selection to what will grow in these conditions naturally, it will will be almost impossible to achieve a lush and physically healthy landscape. It’s important to add organic material in large quantities. Doing so won’t guarantee they remain, as heat and sun break these down, and rain washes them quickly away. Diverting water so it doesn’t wash directly through, and that the area is at least partially protected from sun is crucial.
Once the initial storm water is diverted, remaining water which has filled the subterranean catchment pond can slowly permeate soil via capillary attraction, keep it moist, and be drawn on from by surrounding plants, fungal mycelia and microbes. The mass of moisture will provide cooling and soil temperature stability. The water should be kept below surface to prevent evaporation, algae growth and keep insect breeding to a minimum.
Image credit
Over time, plant roots and leaves that fall to the ground die and decay will become forage for the life that builds beneath the soil. Even using all of this will not be enough to start the project and replenish all that has been stripped away in the building process. We have to get creative and be proactive in bringing in material. It also takes time to mature.
A small protected area for composting will serve to pile dead leaves and kitchen scraps, so our client can make use of wastes to create mulch and nutrients. We build a containment bin as part of the project. Once set, the pile should be turned a few times a week by client. With the right mindset, this practice becomes a part of the routine, and the basis for yard care.
Illustration credit
Applying decaying organic matter and natural nutrients to the soil, then covering with a mulch will ensure that they are protected from the sun, and they continue to build during the early stages of transition for young plants. This underlying activity generates the tilth and texture that supports lifeforms that convert the organic matter to elemental levels and humus to hold nutrients and moisture which can then be absorbed by plant roots.
The capacity of the soil to support plants strengthens with age as habitat is restored and the diversity of local species increases to include single- and multi-celled organisms, larger living things such as nemetodes, worms, birds and a variety of insects that all act together to pollinate plants, spread seeds, fertilize, purify and consume decay.
(3) Excess heat/sun:
The desired visual effect is stepped, where the plants closest to the street are short, and taller toward the house. The image to the right is a similar landscape, with a small swale out front, backed by a more moist area offering greater variety of tightly spaced and alternating plant species.
Sketch outlining plant heights and depths if using a stepped effect to showcase the property. Optimally, we would plant a stand of taller trees toward front west (left) or middle side of yard to a to break up and reduce the amount of sun hitting the front yard in the afternoon.
Though stepping is possible, it’s not optimal. It’s important to create a canopy of shade to protect the understory and home from the hot summer sun, while also not blocking the prevailing south wind during the summer. There are already a few trees in the front yard which should be saved to provide shade and wind protection for the more sensitive plant growth, understory and ground cover. Smaller trees and shrubs, and a few more trees strategically planted within each existing stand will be sufficient to improve shade and reduce heat. Note, the clean yet natural look achieved with large, flat stones – a viable architectural option for your design.
Specifications, Permitting & Standards:
Per Florida Statute 373.185, any landscaping activity that follows “Florida-Friendly™” practices are protected, and will not be prohibited by any covenant, because they aim to benefit not only home-owners, but the ecology and health of Florida and the community at large.
For this design, we will support natural, chemical-free and Florida-friendly gardening practices. We combine these principles with aesthetic inspired by you (the client) and a function that improves the value and longevity of your property. The final solution, if successful, will do all of this while complementing surrounding architecture and having a positive role in preserving Florida’s natural ecology.
Since we will not be applying artificial fertilizers, no applicators’ permit will be required. No heavy machinery will be required. We will require a municipal ground locate of utilities, and by employing hand digging labor, we have the ability to work carefully to avoid any existing utilities. No changes to grade are necessary, only employment of barriers between planted areas and drainages to slow water and prevent runoff from leaching organic debris and as a result, foster a healthy root zone with observable microbial process, the foundation of life in the “soil food web.”
Other factors to consider:
Insects & wildlife
Insects & wildlife
Increasing biodiversity will have an impact on the landscape, as insects and animals are naturally attracted to the life, shelter and food that healthy foliage brings. We can prepare but not predict all changes that will occur, and small adjustments will be needed to provide for all living things that may arrive
Insect hotel and artificial beehives (RIGHT: some bugs pollinate, others prey on insects that could damage plants)
Bird bath, feeders and houses (birds eat insects, pollinate, and fertilize)
Bat houses (bats eat insects, pollinate and fertilize)
Bee-friendly flowers
Florida-friendly plant species (zero tolerance for invasive species)
Companion plants (some attract and repel specific species, and some are poisonous to wildlife and humans)
Urban homesteading features, animals and plants used for fertilizer or fodder
Design/Estimate with you and myself, 3-7 days
Price and order materials, organize labor, set budget
Schedule pickup for discarded materials
Schedule delivery of rock and materials
Source mulch and organics
Select compost area and bin style
Research appropriate plant varieties (I’ll provide lists. You source and purchase.)
Provide concept sketches
Week 2, with 3 people working
Contour and survey, mark out swales and irrigation channels,
Remove excess sand and dig up plants to be saved
Hand dig and trench pools, swale and drainage to backyard
Tie in network of irrigation channels
Start collecting organics from yard – clippings and leaves
Lay fabric and clay, let dry/bake in sun
Timeline/schedule (continued)
Week 3, with 3 people working
Lay wood and organic piles
Lay stones and cover
Mark sites for plants
Purchase plants
Week 4, with 2 people working
Plant plants
Route appropriate irrigation hoses
Cover with mulch
Week 5-10, initial client maintenance with some input
Regular inspections of plants
Adjustments to irrigation systems
Continue gathering and applying organics and mulch
Week 10-52, routine client maintenance with little to no external input
Continue applying finished compost and cover with mulch
Turn compost 3x weekly
Water compost 1x weekly
Prune shrubs and trees annually
Inspect plants weekly
Inspect/repair irrigation as needed
Our main goals:
Control water and divert runoff
Preserve and build healthy soil
Provide shade plants/trees
Select appropriate plants for your yard, taste and Florida-friendly landscaping
Accommodate biodiversity
Provide input on plant selection and install
The client’s involvement will be heavy during first week, then taper off to just working on plant preferences. We will continue to develop a list of plants that will work well (and that are available within the budget) as we do the installation. They would be present for final completion/hand off and walk through, if any corrections are needed.
After installation, or about 4 weeks, our input is limited to occasional discussions, updates and any follow-on estimates, proposals or contracts.
Due to unpredictability of nature, weather and environment, we can’t guarantee any specific life span of any plant, but which have the best fit for the climate, final soil type and level of care the owner is willing to provide, as the final result does improve or decline with and owner’s continued observation and inputs.
Lake front concept includes many permaculture-based elements – fruit trees, bees, pond, gardens, greenhouse, barn, stable, shop, yurt and aquaponics systems.
Home design integrates stacked shipping containers, and is scheduled to break ground next spring.
Original concept designed on paper, then transferred to Adobe Illustrator for final presentation.
Now that I’ve decided to rent my house out, I need a place to stay. I opted to build my own little space in the back yard and crawl under it during the years to come. I’ll build it on a trailer in case I ever want to move it, but I’m hesitant to even call it a tiny house at this point because it could end up more of a Frankenstein project of a travel trailer.
Because I have no disposable funding, very little time and no one to help, I am sourcing used materials on craigslist and other salvage options. I aim to just get the outside done so I have a warm, dry place to retreat to, and work on the inside when I have time.
Starting small, I will have to pick up the skills along the way. Luckily a guy from New York with some framing skills wants to come to Alaska. I’m hooking him up with a place to stay in exchange for his help. I can’t wait to get started!
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